Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Ideal Generator for Your Residential, Commercial, or New Construction Property

Investing in a generator for your residential, commercial, or new construction property can significantly enhance the reliability and peace of mind for occupants during power outages and emergency situations. Selecting the right generator requires careful consideration of numerous factors, including fuel type, power capacity, and features, to ensure the chosen system meets your property’s unique needs and requirements. Learn the essential aspects to evaluate when choosing the ideal generator for your property, providing expert insights and advice to aid you in making an informed decision. We understand that a generator is an investment in the safety, comfort, and continuity of your property during unforeseen power disruptions. With this in mind, our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to choose a generator that stands up to your property’s demands, ensuring that you and your occupants are well-prepared for any emergency scenario. So, let’s delve into the world of generators and explore the key aspects to consider when choosing the perfect generator for your property, ensuring that you’re equipped to make the best decision for your residential, commercial, or new construction project.

1. Understanding Generator Fuel Types: Pros and Cons

Generators are available in a variety of fuel types, each with distinct advantages and disadvantages. When selecting the most suitable fuel type for your generator, consider factors such as availability, cost, efficiency, and environmental impact.
  • Gasoline: Gasoline generators are commonly available and offer a relatively low upfront cost. However, gasoline can be expensive in the long run and has a shorter shelf life than other fuels. Additionally, gasoline generators typically have a higher noise output and produce more emissions.
  • Diesel: Diesel generators are known for their efficiency and durability. They have a longer run time and produce less noise and emissions compared to gasoline generators. However, diesel fuel can be more expensive than gasoline and may not be readily available during power outages.
  • Propane: Propane generators offer a clean-burning, eco-friendly option with a long shelf life. Propane is often available during power outages, and propane generators generally have a quieter operation compared to gasoline and diesel options. The upfront cost of propane generators can be higher, and you’ll need to consider storage and availability of propane tanks on your property.
  • Natural Gas: Natural gas generators can provide a continuous fuel supply through your property’s existing gas lines, ensuring a reliable source of energy during emergencies. Natural gas is a cleaner-burning fuel, generating fewer emissions than gasoline or diesel. However, natural gas generators typically have higher upfront costs and may require professional installation.

2. Determining Generator Power Capacity: Matching Your Property’s Needs

The power capacity of your generator is a crucial factor to consider, as it determines the amount of electrical power the generator can supply. To assess the appropriate power capacity for your generator, compile a list of essential electrical devices and appliances you’ll need to operate during a power outage, accounting for their starting and running wattage requirements. Keep in mind that some appliances, such as refrigeration units, heating systems, and air conditioners, have higher starting wattages compared to their running wattages. It’s essential to choose a generator with sufficient capacity to accommodate these needs.

3. Portable vs. Standby Generators: Weighing Convenience and Reliability

There are two primary categories of generators: portable and standby. Portable generators are mobile, compact, and can be easily transported and stored when not in use. They often require manual setup and fuel refills during operation. Portable generators can be an economical option for smaller properties or those with minimal power requirements during outages. Standby generators, on the other hand, are permanently installed on your property and connected to your electrical system. They automatically activate during power outages, providing a seamless and reliable source of electricity. Standby generators are ideal for larger properties or those with critical power needs, such as commercial buildings or residential homes with essential medical equipment.

4. Essential Generator Features and Considerations

When selecting a generator, consider additional features and factors to ensure optimal performance, usability, and safety.
  • Automatic Transfer Switch: An automatic transfer switch (ATS) connects your generator to your electrical panel and automatically activates the generator during outages, providing a seamless transition to backup power.
  • Noise Reduction: Generators can produce significant noise during operation. To minimize disruptions, opt for a generator with noise reduction features or enclosures, particularly if your property is situated in a densely populated or noise-sensitive area.
  • Maintenance and Service: Generators require regular maintenance to ensure reliable and efficient operation, such as oil, filter, and spark plug changes. Familiarize yourself with the maintenance schedule and service requirements for your chosen generator.


Choosing the ideal generator for your property involves carefully considering factors such as fuel type, power capacity, generator type, and additional features. By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can confidently select a generator that provides reliable power, safety, and comfort for your residential, commercial, or new construction property. Our team of professionals at Flatt’s Heating & AC is here to guide you every step of the way, assisting you in selecting and implementing the most suitable generator solution for your unique needs. Trust in our expertise, top-quality products, and exceptional generators in Sparta, TN ensuring that you and your property are fully prepared for any power outage or emergency situation. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!